Vacancies Parkland

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Parkland is always looking for new talent. Are you a professional in your field, from starter to senior, and do you want to grow and continue to develop? Then we would like to invite you to apply.

Vacancy Product Manager

We are looking for a Product Manager who can bridge the gap between growers and customers through excellent communication and service. If you share our passion for potatoes and are excited about contributing to Parkland's growth ambitions, we want to hear from you!

Pemberton Valley (1)
Adam Headshot

Want to know more about working at Parkland?

Parkland Potato Varieties has an impressive team to serve our clients! From local seed growers and sales representatives to product managers and breeders from Agrico, we have a team that is committed to providing quality products and service excellence. We are always looking for new talent. Curious about the possibilities, or do you have a specific question? Don't hesitate to contact us!

Adam Nelubowich

Operations & Sales