
Optimizing potato varieties

Three interesting varieties!

We want to enlighten the potato varieties Chateau, Paradiso and Twister!

High demand

These young potato varieties have already proven their strenght!

Innovative varieties

These varieties contain special characteristics which makes them spotlight worthy!

Fairly new, yet very succesful!

Every year, we select some special varieties that deserve to be put in the spotlight. Despite their young age, they are already in high demand. 

Discover these hidden treasures and read everything you would like to  know about Chateau, Paradiso and Twister.




In the spotlight

Watch the variety videos below in which our potato experts update you on our spotlight varieties Chateau, Paradiso and Twister.


Chateau is a variety that can be considered to be a true 'salad potato’. Salad potatoes need to have a long oval tuber shape, in combination with a firm cooking type. Chateau is also known for its exquisite taste profile and with that it fits perfectly in the high-quality potato segment. In France, after a separate two-year process, Chateau has been given the classification ''Chair Ferme''.

  • Excellent skin quality
  • Official classification for chair ferme
  • High tuberisation
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Want to have more information about this variety? Click here to see all the characteristics of the Chateau!

Olaf van Campen

The Chateau looks gorgeous, and is a very interesting potato from a culinary perspective!

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The Paradiso variety is perfect for ware potato cultivation in countries around the Mediterranean Sea. The yellow skinned variety, with its large growing tubers has been developed by breeders Pot and Klaver. Paradiso is a great addition to our portfolio of varieties and, along with the Arizona variety, serves a large market segment

  • Large tubers
  • Beautiful appearance
  • Good tolerance for bruising and harvest damage.

Want to have more information about this variety? Click here to see all the characteristics of the Paradiso!

Douwe Werkman

“This is a variety that maintains high yield under the most variable circumstances!


The Twister variety was bred at the organic farm of Mr Te Winkel a number of years ago. With this variety this breeder focused mainly on improving Agrico's portfolio of late blight-resistant varieties. Since its introduction, Twister has shown good results both in the Netherlands and abroad.

  • Beautiful appearance
  • Good storability
  • Rather firm cooking
  • Late blight resistance in foliage and tuber

Want to have more information about this variety? Click here to see all the characteristics of the Twister!

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Martin Pot

“The Twister is very suitable for organic cultivation for retail and is highly resistant to late blight!

Wieger van der Werff

Would you like to know more about Agrico?

Agrico goes beyond just supplying high-quality seed and ware potatoes. We are involved with our customers and provide comprehensive advice in several areas. We have innovative varieties, make use of independent certification, have extensive quality assurance, actively respond to knowledge sharing, are committed to fast and reliable delivery, and have a worldwide network.

If you have a specific question or would like to know what Agrico can do for you, please feel free to contact us.

Wieger van der Werff

Commercial Manager