French fries, Crisps, Flakes


An early maincrop, high yielding processing variety for the production of French fries and flakes.
  • Large tubers
  • High dry matter content
  • Suitable for different types of soil
French fries, Crisps, Flakes
Fontane nestje met doorsnee
Fontane FF®Agrico20
Agrico Aardappelveld
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Product manager Douwe Werkman about Fontane

Our product manager Douwe Werkman explains more about the variety Fontane. It is the most known processing variety of Agrico due to his great processing characteristics and his many advantages for several stakeholders within the potato supply chain. 

Plant and tuber characteristics

  • Maturity:
    early maincrop / 5,5
  • Light sprout colour:
    blue violet / BV
  • Flower colour:
    white / W
  • Number of berries:
    above average / 5
  • Foliage - initial development:
    quite fast / 7,5
  • Foliage - final development:
    average / 7
  • Foliage - firmness:
    quite firm / 7
  • Skin colour:
    yellow / Y
  • Flesh colour:
    light yellow / 6,5
  • Skin finish:
    quite poor / 5
  • Tuber shape:
    oval / O
  • Regularity of tuber shape:
    quite regular / 6,5
  • 5 low | 9 high
    quite high / 7
  • Tuber size:
    quite large / 7
  • Regularity of size:
    quite regular / 6
  • 4 short | 8 long
    quite short / 5,5

Sensitivity and quality

  • Secondary growth:
    quite sensitive / 6
  • Black spot (internal bruising):
    quite sensitive / 6
  • Growth cracks:
    quite sensitive / 6
  • Harvest damage:
    quite sensitive / 6
  • Metribuzin - pre-emergence:
    slightly to not sensitive / 8
  • Metribuzin - post-emergence:
    slightly to not sensitive / 8
  • 3 very sensitive | 8 minimum tot none sensitive
    quite sensitive / 6
  • 4 poor result | 8 good result
    15% to 25% more tubers / 7
  • Underwater weight:
  • Dry matter content :
  • Cooking type:
    floury / BC
  • Discolouration (after cooking):
    quite sensitive / 6,5
  • Raw discolouration:
    sensitive / 5,5
  • Fries quality:
    very good / 7,5
  • Dry matter distribution:
    average / 6,5
  • Crisping quality:
    average / 6
  • TGA-level:


  • Virus - Leaf roll:
    slightly susceptible / 6
  • Virus - Yn:
    susceptible / 5,5
  • Virus - Yntn (tuber):
    slightly susceptible / 7
  • Spraing:
    slightly susceptible / 6,5
  • Late blight - foliage:
    susceptible / 5
  • Late blight - tuber:
    slightly susceptible / 6,5
  • Fusarium:
    slightly susceptible / 6
  • Common scab:
    slightly susceptible / 6
  • Powdery scab:
    slightly susceptible / 6
  • Black dot:
    - / -
  • Wart disease F1:
    quite susceptible / 6
  • Wart disease F6:
    moderately susceptible / 8
  • Wart disease F18:
    - / -
  • Golden nematode Ro 1/4:
    resistant / 9
  • Golden nematode Ro 2/3:
    - / -
  • White nematode Pa 2:
    - / -
  • White nematode Pa 3:
    - / -


Pizza isn’t the first thing you think of when it comes to potatoes. Yet the name Fontane has something to do with pizza. The grower, Eerke Pot van Lantmännen Seed B.V., is very fond of a pizzeria called Fontana. Because the name was not initially approved, they decided to change one letter and arrived at the name Fontane.

The Fontane variety is intended for the processing industry and is Agrico’s largest monopoly variety. The variety’s great success is due to its reliably high yield in cultivation – for both consumer and seed potato growers – and its excellent returns in the fries sector.

The crossing from which Fontane originated was made in 1986 at Agrico Research. The parents varieties, Agria and AR 76-34-3, have already individually been the source of many different offspring brought onto the market.

Fontane ©Agrico NL HR 2020

Would you like to know more about the Fontane?

The best way to guarantee a good harvest and the best return on your investment is to start out with healthy, high-quality seed potatoes and expert advice. At Agrico, we are committed to and invest in knowledge and research. This has enabled us to cultivate a wide range of unique potato varieties that display effective resistance, strong variety characteristics and a high yield. Naturally, the seed potatoes we supply are fully certified.

If you have any specific questions about the Fontaneor would like to know what Agrico can do for you with respect to varieties, please feel free to contact us.

Douwe Werkman

Product Manager
Douwe Werkman

Want to know more about Fontane?