Privacy statement

Overview of a Kenyan potato field

Privacy policy Agrico

Coöperatie Agrico U.A. and Agrico B.V., hereinafter referred to as “Agrico”.

Every day, Agrico facilitates the worldwide marketing of potatoes. From seedling to the supermarket shelf. In order to provide good service, it is necessary to collect, save and share personal data. We do this in a careful, secure manner and in compliance with European legislation. We are transparent in this process: you can ask about what personal data we have collected from you at any time. You can be confident that we will treat your personal data with the utmost care. This privacy statement explains how we do this. Our privacy statement complies with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

What is personal data?
Personal data is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual. For example, your name, address, telephone number or personal e-mail address. Legislation makes a distinction between "normal" and "special" personal data. Examples of special personal data include data on a person's religion, criminal history or trade union membership. We only collect "normal" personal data and we do not make use of automated decision-making to provide services to you.

22 07 16 Bloeiend Veld Van T Zet 0026
150610 Aardappelen Dezeeuw Wk8 036

What do we use personal data for?

To guarantee good service provision, Agrico processes personal data. By ‘processing’ we mean the all the processes ranging from the collection to the destruction of personal data. This includes consulting the data or forwarding it. Agrico may only process personal data if a legal basis exists, such as the performance of a contract, the fulfilment of a legal obligation, consent or the representation of a legitimate interest.

If you are a grower, supplier or customer, we process your personal data in order to comply with the contract that we have concluded with you or based on a legal obligation. Agrico also processes data based on a legitimate interest. For example, we collect functional and analytical cookies to guarantee the proper functioning of the website. For commercial purposes and to inform you, we send the annual report and our Potato magazine to our business contacts. Finally, we process data based on consent, for example if you apply for a job at our company. You are entitled to revoke this consent at any time.

Who do we share personal data with?

It is sometimes necessary to share data with organisations outside Agrico, for example the addresses of customers, members, suppliers and service providers for logistical purposes in order to fulfil the cultivation contract. We only share data that is necessary for the purposes for which it is, or will be, used. The personal data that we collect from you based on sources including the website, a job application or contact form are not shared with third parties.

Agrico uses Facebook as a communication channel. For an explanation of how data is processed on Facebook, please refer to the Facebook privacy policy. Certain activities are outsourced at Agrico. For example, our website is managed by a third party and our Potato magazine for business contacts is printed and distributed by a third party. We are sometimes also obliged to share data based on a legal obligation, for example to the authorities in the event of criminal offences.

Carolus Knollen Omhoog Trekken

Is your data secure?

Agrico takes appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure that your personal data does not fall into the wrong hands. The systems that store the data are secured. This has been agreed with the third parties who process personal data on our behalf. Should anything happen, the issue will be addressed immediately. Loss or theft may result in personal data coming into the hands of unauthorised persons. This is called a data breach. If a data breach occurs, we will solve the problem. Any data breaches are registered, and we comply with legislation regarding the duty to report data breaches.

What is the retention period of your data?
Agrico stores your personal data for as long as is necessary for the purpose. If it is no longer necessary to store your personal data for that purpose, it will be removed from our active systems.


Which personal data do we process?


Agrico collects growers' personal data in order to fulfil cultivation contracts. This includes data such as name, address, place of residence, telephone number and e-mail address. Customers can be given this data for the purpose of the sale.

This data may also be shared with logistic service providers for the purpose of transport and logistics. Agrico registers certain data concerning the quality of the product, the land contracts (purchasing contracts) and the exact stock for the purpose of monitoring potato growing and Agrico performs product-related research, among other things. We can also request data regarding the mandatory certification of growers, for example from GlobalGAP, VVAK, NAK, Skal or Demeter. Agrico may also be legally obliged to share data with the authorities, for example with phytosanitary inspection services. If there is a suspicion of non-compliance with the cultivation contract, this data may also be shared with a third party that performs further investigation.

The grower portal serves as the intranet for growers; Agrico's communication channel that provides relevant (grower) information. This is a secure portal that requires an e-mail address and password verification. This gives access to the company portal. The information on the company portal includes an online overview for growers of their delivered or undelivered potatoes. We process the data that growers have access to, such as name, address, place of residence, customer number, e-mail address, telephone number, certification numbers, (credit) invoices, statements and financial balance. This is a secure portal that requires an e-mail address and password verification.

©Klaas Eissens Agrico RS 03 07 19 Boeren Demovelden 9Klein


To arrange contractual matters between Agrico and the customer, such as preparing sales contracts or sales invoices, we process the necessary data, such as name, address, and place of residence.

Job applicants

Personal data such as your CV and cover letter are used exclusively for the application process. This data will not be shared with third parties without your knowledge. Your application data will be deleted no later than four weeks after the application process has been completed. Your data will only be kept in our portfolio if you have given your consent. In that case, your data will be deleted after no later than one year. You can revoke your consent at any time.


In the context of (fire) safety, we are legally obliged to register who is in the building. Your name, position, arrival and departure time, and the name of the person you have an appointment with will be registered.

What else do we use your personal data for?

CRM and member service

In order to process questions received from growers/customers, to perform satisfaction surveys and to manage growers/customers for organisational purposes, we register the addresses of customers, members, suppliers and service providers. This includes the name, address, place of residence, personal e-mail, telephone number, certification numbers, bank account number, and VAT number. We only share the necessary information. The VAT number and bank account number, for example, will not be shared with third parties.


We regularly organise event at our sites which you can participate in or attend as a grower, supplier or visitor. For organisational reasons we request your name, e-mail address and telephone number. This data is used to organise the event, to keep you informed of the event and to approach you for information or events in the future. We may take photos during events. We treat the use of photos and videos in subsequent publications selectively and with integrity. 

Potato magazine and annual report

Based on Agrico's legitimate interest, we can send the annual report and Potato magazine for commercial and informational purposes. If you no longer wish to receive these publications, send an e-mail to:

AR Bloeiende Aardappelen 010709 (5)

Visitors to the website

Agrico only uses functional and analytical cookies. No consent is required for the use of such cookies, as they are necessary for the proper functioning of the website and to improve the website. This does not affect your use of the website as a visitor and has no implications for your privacy. Agrico uses cookies to record from which country a visitor has accessed the website, for example. This is necessary as Agrico wants to offer the visitor communication in the correct language (Dutch or English) and in order to show the e-mail address and telephone numbers correctly on the contact forms.

Agrico uses analytical cookies to gain insight into usage of our website. If you want to delete existing cookies from your device, use the options in your browser settings. To prevent cookies being placed on your device again in the future, change your browser settings accordingly. If you view your browser settings or options, Agrico cookies are indicated by the name "Agrico U.A. Cooperative." Deleting cookies may affect the usage and performance of our website.