
A Parkland potato variety ideal for the premium fresh pack market

22 07 16 Bloeiend Veld Van T Zet 0026


Stacey is an early maincrop red skin small tuber size ware variety with a high tuber set and a yellow flesh colour.


  • Market outlets: Fresh market, Creamer
  • Maturity: late
  • Crossing: ROSAGOLD x AR 04-3064
Ontwerp Zonder Titel (12)


  • Tuber shape: oval round
  • Uniform of shape: regular
  • Skin color: red
  • Flesh color: light yellow
  • Dry matter percent: 22,8%


  • Dormancy: average
  • Tuber number: high setting
  • Resistance to harvest damage: slightly sensitive
  • Resistance to bruising: slightly sensitive
  • Flower color: light purple

Disease resistance

  • PCN Ro 1/4: resistant
  • Wart disease F1: resistant

Storage recommendation

Stacey is suitable for medium term storage. Preferred storage temperature is 5 ⁰C.

Cultivation recommendation

Desprouting Stacey more than once can have a negative impact on yield and size regularity. Due to its sensitivity scores for black spot and/or harvest damage, wait at least two weeks after haulm killing before harvest.

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Foto Adam Los

Would you like to know more about Stacey?

Parkland Potato Varieties goes beyond just supplying high-quality seed potatoes like Stacey. We are involved with our customers and provide comprehensive advice in several areas. We have innovative varieties, extensive quality assurance, and are committed to fast and reliable delivery in Northern America.

If you have a specific question or would like to know what Parkland Potato Varieties can do for you, please feel free to contact us.

Adam Nelubowich

Sales and Marketing