
A Parkland potato variety suitable for the processing industry

Palace bij blad


Palace is a maincrop, high yielding processing variety for the French fries industry which is suitable for different soil types.


  • Market outlets: Processing; QSR, Retail, Bulk
  • Maturity: late
  • Crossing: AR 01-3350 x ADD 93-20902
Ontwerp Zonder Titel (13)


  • Tuber shape: oval
  • Uniform of shape: regular
  • Skin color: yellow
  • Flesh color: light yellow
  • Dry matter percent: 23,2%


  • Dormancy: average
  • Tuber number: average setting
  • Flower color: purple
  • Fry quality: excellent
  • Dry matter distribution: average

Disease resistance

  • Virus Yn: resistant
  • Common scab: slightly resistant
  • Powderyscab: resistant

Storage recommendation

Palace is suitable for medium to long term storage. Preferred storage temperature is 5 ⁰C. For processing purposes, do not store below 7 ⁰C.

Cultivation recommendation

Palace can be planted directly out of the cold store, preferably after a short heat shock. Desprouting more than once can have a negative impact on yield and size regularity. 

After emerge, a standard use of metribuzin (Sencor) can give some foliage reaction, but rarely any yield reduction.

Palace aardappels aan plant - yield
Foto Adam Los

Would you like to know more about Palace?

Parkland Potato Varieties goes beyond just supplying high-quality seed potatoes like Palace. We are involved with our customers and provide comprehensive advice in several areas. We have innovative varieties, extensive quality assurance, and are committed to fast and reliable delivery in Northern America.

If you have a specific question or would like to know what Parkland Potato Varieties can do for you, please feel free to contact us.

Adam Nelubowich

Sales and Marketing