
A Parkland potato variety ideal for mashing, boiling or baking

©Klaas Eissens Agrico AR 10 10 19 Constance 14


Constance is a yellow-skinned, pale yellow fleshed table potato, suitable for general use.

With early development after planting, this is a good early maincrop variety, with oval round tubers of regular shape and shallow eyes.

It produces good-sized tubers that are resistant to secondary growth, black spot and growth cracks. This variety is well suited on most soil types.

With a medium dry matter of 19.7%, it eats well and retains its colour after peeling. It has a buttery taste and smooth texture making it ideal for mashing, boiling or baking.

  • Market outlets: fresh market "A" size
  • Maturity: early
  • Average yield: very good
  • Crossing: Marabel x AR93-1243
Constance Parkland 2022
Parkland Constance


  • Tuber shape: oval round
  • Uniform of shape: uniform
  • Eye depth: shallow
  • Skin color: yellow
  • Flesh color: light yellow
  • Dry matter percent: 20.2


  • Dormancy: long
  • Tuber number: moderate
  • Resistance to damage: moderate
  • Resistance to bruising: moderate
  • Secondary growth: not susceptible
  • Flower color: white

Disease resistance

  • Common scab: very good resistance
  • Virus PVV: very good resistance

Storage recommendation

We're always happy to provide you with our Storage Recommendations - Please check back at a later time, or contact us directly.

Cultivation recommendation

Regular nitrogen is acceptable; use higher amounts of phosphorus than normal. Vine killing - For best results , use 1/2 rate. Plants should be senescing. For best results for skin set/ skin finish, harvest 3 weeks after vine kill.

Plant shallow to prevent tuber damage at harvest (ideally 5”).
For best results continue to feed nitrogen throughout the season.


Resistance knowledge is always useful - so we'll endeavour our efforts towards providing you with the important information.

Constance nestje met doorsnee
Foto Adam Los

Would you like to know more about Constance?

Parkland Potato Varieties goes beyond just supplying high-quality seed potatoes like Constance. We are involved with our customers and provide comprehensive advice in several areas. We have innovative varieties, extensive quality assurance, and are committed to fast and reliable delivery in Northern America.

If you have a specific question or would like to know what Parkland Potato Varieties can do for you, please feel free to contact us.

Adam Nelubowich

Sales and Marketing