Variety and
Seedling Show

150610 Aardappelen Dezeeuw Wk8 036

Agrico presents new varieties during annual Variety Show

Agrico organized its annual Variety and Seedling Show on Thursday 10 and Friday 11 November. More than 700 visitors from over 40 different countries were able to admire the Agrico varieties in the Agrico Research greenhouse.

The Variety and Seedling Show

Agrico presented its existing and latest breeding results on Thursday 10 and Friday 11 November. More than 65 of our innovative varieties were displayed during the show. These varieties meet the specific wishes of growers, the processing industry and consumer demand, all over the world, now and in the future.

Agrico Research, together with its affiliated growers, is responsible for developing new potato varieties for all markets in which Agrico is active. Breeders, selectors, growers, buyers, processors and interested parties all over the world will come to Bant during these days to view our newest varieties and seedlings.

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New Agrico varieties

This year, no fewer than nine new varieties have entered the National Variety List. Jan van Hoogen has awarded a statue to the grower of all the new varieties.

  • Agostino (SW 10-1170) is a medium late red-skinned consumption variety with Phytophthora resistance in foliage and tubers. Produces fairly large tubers with a good underwater weight.

  • Armedi (AR 10-2432) is a mid-late processing variety suitable for the French fries industry. Has multiple potato cyst nematodes resistances and is suitable for long term storage.

  • Aztec Gold (ARD 10-5206) is a maincrop diploid retail speciality with an orange flesh colour, a relatively high dry matter content and with late blight resistance in foliage and tuber.

  • SW 10-8218 is a medium late yellow-skinned consumption variety with pallida resistance and good dormancy.

New Agrico Varieties

The other varieties that have joined the National Variety List this year are:

  • Fyone (PL 11-0111) is a late starch variety with a high yield and resistance to Phytophthora in foliage and tubers.

  • Napoleon (AR 10-4637)is a late chip variety with good regularity and a high underwater weight. Contains good virus resistances.

  • Nirvana (AR 10-2460) is an early maincrop processing variety suitable for the French fries industry, with late blight resistance.

  • Salvera (SA 10-0054) is a maincrop ware variety with a nice shape, uniform sized and a good skin finish.

  • Stacey (SW 11-2363) is an early maincrop red skin small tuber size ware variety with a high tuber set and a yellow flesh colour.
Read more about our new varieties
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Spotlight varieties

In addition to our new varieties, we will pot two varieties in the spotlight this year. These are te varieties Levante and Palace.

  • Levante
    A promising variety for the retail trade and more traditional markets. Levante is a rather firm-cooking variety, has a beautiful, clear skin and is suitable for boiling, mashing and baking. Levante therefore meets the requirements of the modern consumer. This variety is suitable for both conventional and organic growing. The variety is a member of the Next Generation range.

  • Palace
    A late-ripening, high yielding processing variety. The variety grows easily underdifferent climate conditions and in different soil types, and therefore performs well under warm and dry conditions, such as in Central and Southern Europe and North Africa. Palace has a great skin, that offers more possibilities in the market than just processing.
Read more about our Spotlight varieties


General director Jan van Hoogen looks back on the Variety and Seedling Show very positively. “It is special that after three years we can finally organize a full variety and seedling show again,” says Van Hoogen. It is amazing to be able to welcome and speak to everyone at Agrico Research again. Establishing and amplifying the connection is one of the main goals of the show and we believe we've absolutely succeeded.

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