Product Manager Martin Pot explains the advantages of using Levante. Levante is a new potato variety for the retail market and a new member of the Next Generation range.
The AR 07-3009 (Levante) is a cross between an Agrico Research parent line (AR 01-3218) and the variety Almera. Originally, as a seedling, Levante was developed as a parent line within our basic cultivation program for late blight resistance. Following good results in the trial fields, Levante underwent further testing in the variety development program, aimed at producing varieties for the supermarket sector.
Levante is a Rather floury variety, has a clear skin and is suitable for boiling, mashing and baking. Levante therefore meets the requirements of the modern consumer. This variety is suitable for organic growing, or can be produced with a reduced amount of crop protection agents.
The best way to guarantee a good harvest and the best return on your investment is to start out with healthy, high-quality seed potatoes and expert advice. At Agrico, we are committed to and invest in knowledge and research. This has enabled us to cultivate a wide range of unique potato varieties that display effective resistance, strong variety characteristics and a high yield. Naturally, the seed potatoes we supply are fully certified.
If you have any specific questions about the Levanteor would like to know what Agrico can do for you with respect to varieties, please feel free to contact us.